Students at St Francis Xavier primary school are able to experience positions of leadership and responsibility from Prep through to Year 6.
SRC (Student Representative Council)
The SRC is headed up by the Year 6 School Captains. One SRC representatives from each class Prep – Year 5 is elected and these elected representatives attend regular meetings with the School Principal and Deputy.
Student led class meetings are held regularly to discuss suggestions for improvements and initiatives to make St Francis Xavier a better place. The Year 6 School Captaisns also give regular updates to the whole school at school assemblies. These are great opportunities for students to learn valuable leadership, teamwork and public speaking skills.
Year 6 Leadership
Year 6 students are given the opportunity to develop their leadership skills by applying for one of the various leadership positions available. These include School Captains, Sports Leaders, School Security Leaders, Performing Arts Leaders, ICT Leaders & Religious Education Leaders.