Faith Education

St. Francis Xavier School is a faith community, inspired by the love of God, within the Parish of St Francis Xavier, Montmorency. Students are supported to grow in their relationship with God and to respond as active members within their community of faith.

The Religious Education program from Prep to Year 6, is developed from Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (M.A.C.S) “Horizons of Hope” documents; Religious Education Curriculum Framework.  It also draws upon the richness of the Catholic Social Teaching principles, encouraging students’ to learn about the Church’s mission as global citizens.

Staff work in collaboration to plan engaging units of work for students to be given opportunities to discover more about themselves, the people and world around them and their own faith, supported by the Faith Education and Learning and Teaching Leaders. Students are encouraged to LIVE – be involved, LOVE – be inclusive, LEARN – be enlightened and embrace God’s word.

Classroom Program

  • Religious Education Program Prep – Year Six
  • Sacramental Program:
    • Year Four - Sacrament of Penance
    • Year Five - Sacrament of Eucharist
    • Year Six - Sacrament of Confirmation
  • Christian Meditation
  • Daily Class Prayer time
  • Regular Class Level Masses (normally Tuesdays during the term at 9.30am)
  • Regular School Masses and Liturgies
  • Liturgical celebrations and instruction for Easter (Lent) and Christmas (Advent)
  • Year 6 Religious Education Student Leaders
  • Strong Parish connections
  • Commitment to Social Justice

St Francis Xavier School is one of three schools within the Catholic Parishes of St Francis Xavier, Montmorency and Our Lady Help of Christians, Eltham. All students and families, no matter their faith denomination are invited to be part of our Sacramental program by the way of Sacrament or Blessing. Our celebrations of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation are made up with a balanced number of students from the three Parish schools. Our Parish Moderator: Father Michael Sierakowski leads these Sacraments with such a beautiful, inclusive manner. In 2023 the Sacrament of Confirmation will be held at St. Patrick's Cathedral for the three schools in the Parish.


In preparation for the Sacraments, parents and guardians are invited to a ‘Parent Faith Formation Evening’ at our Parish Church.  These nights not only provide background information around the Sacraments but also help guide you along this journey in a “Parent Initiated, School Supported and Parish Based" sacramental program.