
St. Francis Xavier School is proud of its partnership with the wider Risen Christ Parish.   The Parish always affords the school strong levels of support for all our students, parents and staff.

Some of the key advantages of this special relationship include:

  • Regular visits to the school by Father Michael Sierakowski, our Parish Moderator
  • Parent Faith Formation evenings in the areas of Reconcilaition, Eucharist and Confirmation
  • Input at staff meetings and reflection days for school staff on their own spirituality
  • School Masses
  • Pastoral support to school families in crisis or in need of assistance

The Parish details are:

Parish Moderator: Father Michael Sierakowski

86 Mayona Rd Montmorency. VIC.3094.
Ph: 03 9435 4742


Saturday 6pm Mass – Montmorency

Sunday 8:30am Mass – Montmorency

Sunday 10am Mass – Eltham